BOOKSHELF CHAT: What I am Currently Reading

Instrumental version of Autumn in New York – enjoy as you read.

It’s going to be a busy week ahead! My week off is over, so I am back to work, and normally I would say, cue my bad mood. However, I have too many good things happening in my life right now. I am taking in the present and enjoying it. Work is a way to pay bills, and it could be worse, so I am trying to stay as positive as I can for my mental health. On to the good things.

My small bookshelf in my bedroom

Since May 2021, I have filled thirteen notebooks (bottom right – light pink to turquoise) with my writing, scribbles, notes on writing (some from books I read), workshops notes/writing/prompts, writing prompts, etc). Tonight, I am excited to start another notebook. I will post the cover another day, but it is pretty 😍 I love the notebooks that Costco carries (the taller ones that I have the most of). You can buy 3 (maybe 4) of them in various colours, it has lined paper that is easy on pens, and a built-in book mark and envelope flap in the back for any extras. But every so often I like to add a prettier notebook and something different. I find writing by hand and in a notebook helps my mind be organized. I think because I grew up writing by hand, it just feels naturally. I still also use my laptop, of course. I find writing on paper is just satisfying. I used to write on just loose leaf left over my school days. I always felt like my writing (both handwriting and content) was not worth writing in a notebook – especially if it was the pretty kind. I would occasionally try, and then end up tearing it out when I felt it did not meet my expectations. Soon the notebook would be see in the trash because it’s very much a cycle. Last May (2021) I decided enough was enough. If I can’t believe in myself, how can expect others to? Good or bad this notebook was going to contain my thoughts as messy as they are. I still fight these thoughts, but what has changed is that I keep believing in myself. I keep supporting myself, like I would a friend, and that’s made a big difference.

Library books on prose poetry

I might be a bit slower on posting this week as I have a few writing workshops, my prose poetry course, writing conference and then on Saturday I am meeting my Sunday Morning Writing group in person for an event at Vancouver Writer’s Fest. I have been enjoying The Poetry Lab‘s Brick Box Paradox 2022: Prose Poetry. I have been a bit terrified in writing one, but Danielle (the instructor of the course, my “boss” and good friend) has made it very fun and nerdy. Two ingredients that make me want to try despite my fear, lol. I always think one major element in writing, is reading. And, you never have to tell me twice to do reading. I picked up these books at the library and will be looking for some of the recommended readings as well. If you are interested in writing prose poetry, I highly recommend this 4-week course. If you are looking to read some, the Penguin Book of Prose Poems looks like a good way to start. I will be posting reviews on the books in the above picture. I will be starting with Penguin book as it’s due first.

Library book (Copper Woman and Other Poems) book from TWUC (The Hanging of Angelique)

I doubt I will finish The Hanging of Angelique but I would love to read Copper Woman and Other Poems before Thursday. I think to ask Afua Cooper questions about my manuscript, it would be nice to read more of her works. It helps knowing what they write to see how they can help you in your writing. I am not sure if I have more than just this one chat so I have to make use of my time. I read Cooper’s poetry collection, Black Matters for Poetry Month (in April) and just loved the way Cooper’s writing blended with photographer Wilfried Raussert’s photos. I recommend this collection for artists in a medium, it is so well done. I have noticed so far, that Cooper has a way of writing truth that is accessible and beautiful.

Library book (*DRC from Penguin Random House)

*DRC = Digital Reader Copy (ie eBook galley)

At the moment I am reading Murder in an English Glade (Book 5) (historical cozy mystery) by Jessica Ellicott as my take-me-away book. I enjoy this series and am glad I still have one more book to read after I finish this one. I did see Ellicott has a new series that is also a historical mystery Death in a Blackout which looks a bit more gritty in style. I am also reading Making Love with the Land: Essays by Joshua Whitehead. I read his novel Johnny Appleseed last year and love his lyrical writing. I am only a few essays in, but it is again so poetic that I forget that these are essays and not prose poetry.

From Libby

Friday night, I started The Color of Abolition: How a Printer, a Prophet, and a Contessa Moved a Nation and have been really enjoying it. BUT, I have rewinding it back some as I miss something or need to hear it again. I only made it 13% in 2 days so I decided to bail for now. I have the physical copy on hold at the library which I think will be more enjoyable to read. I do have the DRC version, which would be good for notes…so we will see, I may do another format change lol. I am a history buff, and have been wanting to read more about and from Frederick Douglass so this is a nice entry way. To be honest, I am not sure if I have heard of William Lloyd Garrison or Maria Weston Chapman. As I was listening it seemed a bit familiar but not totally.

In the meantime, I am now listening to A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow (Fractured Fables: Book 2). These novellas are fast and easy reads Quick synopsis tagline would be: It is a fantasy re-tellings of fairy tails set in present day. When I finish this one, I will try and do a double review. I also have her The Once and Future Witches to read on my Libby loan shelf, as I have enjoyed this series and would like to read more. I wasn’t able to get into her The Ten Thousand Doors of January novel, but still have it as “want to read” as a few friends loved this book so maybe it’s just my mood. I will try one more time.

That is it for tonight…I will have a book review up tomorrow, but it might be till next Sunday before I post again. But now that I say that watch me post a few times, lol.

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